ASM w/ two MIDs


I have another ASM with YPT on a not registered MID. Please review, manage, and tell me next steps.

Thank you.

  • Registered MID 3986607
  • YPT certificate MID 12683174

@DougWright I am checking.

@DougWright Training should get copied onto the primary BSA MID within 24 hours.

Good morning,

Can you please merge these profiles?

141025246 Wrong
141201025 Correct

141025243 Correct
14216889 Wrong

@JamieHaller there is no Merging BSA #s - only managing them - SB Users can be merged - we will take a look

Sorry, I meant SB users. Some day I will get the language correct.

This one you had backwards - BUT They need to contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number that they can log into 141025246

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The other one only has one SB user under those BSA #s. They do need to go to > manage member ID > Switch primary for 24 hours to merge some training – DO NOT LOG IN in this period > then switch Primary back and all should be good

Same on Council and Scouts and Relationships - 14216889 is Right BSA #

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