Duplicate MID revealed by doing YPT


I have a COR who did YPT under a different MID than his registration.

Thank you for working on this.

  • MID 13603543, registered as COR to P90 & T90
  • MID 13603642, did YPT 7/13

@DougWright has the user tried My.scouting.org - Manage Member ID to get them together and merge the trainings?

@DougWright the training should merge over the next 24-48 hours

Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.

Next problem -

I have a person registered twice. Please manage their MIDs. I have spoken with council registrar to figure out which MID to be primary. MBC is NOT connected as MBC to any scouts in SB at this time.

  • MID 12768822, primary, registered in P673 as MC, added MBC.last Friday.
  • MID 13222816, secondary, registered MBC, has training.

@DougWright ok that is all fixed

Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.

Next problem -

Dad is having problems registering himself. He has the same first and last name as his son; middle names are different. Is there anything about his account that would cause a problem?

  • MID 14895445 dad
  • MID 14903724 son

If there is nothing odd, then I will ask the CC to walk him through the process.

@DougWright that is a watch over the shoulder issue

Thank you @DonovanMcNeil. Their CC will watch him next time.

Another issue, I think.

Military family, scouting in multiple councils. Mom’s MIDs are managed, I think. I don’t know if the son’s are. Mom seems to have at least two SB accounts.

  • MID 14915543 . . mom . . P43 MC & T43B MC . . AdvWest, TransAtl, Garden St.
  • MID 140199370 . . son . . T43B . . above plus Cascade Pacific
  • MID 14922814 . . daughter . . P43 . . only Adventure West

Just a bump, I think this was missed.

All accounts seem fine unless they think a scout is missing something

@DougWright I would recommend asking the council to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. In the Relationships tab / section, she should be listed as parent only under her primary BSA member ID number: 14915543

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Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.

Thank you @JenniferOlinger. I have a note to check parent connections after the parent’s registrations expirations are sync’d.

New issue -

An ASM has expired YPT, but has a current certificate with a different MID.

  • MID 136934423 registered as T88 ASM
  • MID 14267591 YPT certificate, 2024-01-21

@DougWright that user is using 2 different sign in with Googles - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

Another problem -

I have a COR at the library to renew YPT. She can’t log in. Should she use a username and password or Google login? She doesn’t use Apple.

  • MID 135525521


The MID you provided is for 24 year old male with initials ZS. There is no my.scouting.org ID attached to this MID. Please verify.

Sorry @edavignon, too many 5s.

  • MID 13552521


Her my.scouting.org ID is FirstnameLastname

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