I have a COR who did YPT under a different MID than his registration.
Thank you for working on this.
- MID 13603543, registered as COR to P90 & T90
- MID 13603642, did YPT 7/13
I have a COR who did YPT under a different MID than his registration.
Thank you for working on this.
@DougWright has the user tried My.scouting.org - Manage Member ID to get them together and merge the trainings?
@DougWright the training should merge over the next 24-48 hours
Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.
Next problem -
I have a person registered twice. Please manage their MIDs. I have spoken with council registrar to figure out which MID to be primary. MBC is NOT connected as MBC to any scouts in SB at this time.
@DougWright ok that is all fixed
Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.
Next problem -
Dad is having problems registering himself. He has the same first and last name as his son; middle names are different. Is there anything about his account that would cause a problem?
If there is nothing odd, then I will ask the CC to walk him through the process.
@DougWright that is a watch over the shoulder issue
Thank you @DonovanMcNeil. Their CC will watch him next time.
Another issue, I think.
Military family, scouting in multiple councils. Mom’s MIDs are managed, I think. I don’t know if the son’s are. Mom seems to have at least two SB accounts.
Just a bump, I think this was missed.
All accounts seem fine unless they think a scout is missing something
@DougWright I would recommend asking the council to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. In the Relationships tab / section, she should be listed as parent only under her primary BSA member ID number: 14915543
Thank you @DonovanMcNeil.
Thank you @JenniferOlinger. I have a note to check parent connections after the parent’s registrations expirations are sync’d.
New issue -
An ASM has expired YPT, but has a current certificate with a different MID.
@DougWright that user is using 2 different sign in with Googles - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
Another problem -
I have a COR at the library to renew YPT. She can’t log in. Should she use a username and password or Google login? She doesn’t use Apple.
The MID you provided is for 24 year old male with initials ZS. There is no my.scouting.org ID attached to this MID. Please verify.
Sorry @edavignon, too many 5s.
Her my.scouting.org ID is FirstnameLastname
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