Attendance Report sorted by last name for whole troop

So I understand that I have to take the Attendance Report from Scoutbook and enter it manually into Internet Advancement. A way to do this (automatically, download a CSV file from Scoutbook and upload it to IA, etc.) is on the roadmap.

In the meantime, IA shows the troop (Scouts and Leaders) alphabetically by last name but the Attendance Report shows people broken up by Patrol in the 4 options (Run, PDF (Portrait), PDF (Landscape), CSV).

It would make entering the information much easier if I had the option of getting the whole troop by last name.

I don’t know if I am following. We take the attendance from Scoutbook and enter it into Internet Advancement for nights camped. What other attendance are you entering into Internet Advancement?

I would like to have


As it is today:

Hydra Patrol

Kraken Patrol

Minotaur Patrol

It would be much easier to enter data and double-check two lists that look the same, meaning both have the whole troop by last name alphabetically.

Does that help?

Attendance for what, though.

Camping trips in this specific case. We have a hiking and camping event next month and a 50-miler in August.

We have started making a campout event in Scoutbook, have people RSVP, and have the Scribe record attendance. Then do the attendance report.

It’s not fun making another event in IA but it’s not awful. And it helps that it picks up previous locations and fills in the information.

What takes time is looking back and forth, trying to find Smith in one of the 4 Patrols.

Ok. Gotcha. I pull up the actual event side by side (not the report). Then I think they are both sorted by alpha.

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D’oh. Yes, that would work. Thanks.

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