Auto-Add Parents for Cub Scouts

This may already be possible, but when I add new parents into Scoutbook for existing scouts, I have to go into each event and add that parent also [otherwise they have proven they don’t receive the meeting notices]. I seem to find that Scoutbook defaults to adding all the Scouts but not the Parents.

Any thoughts or help with this item?

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That is correct. If the event was made before they were added you need to add them individually.

Use the Feature Assistant Extension to add multiple individuals to multiple events. After adding new people, I cycle through the “Add inviters” link that Feature Assistant Extension includes, using Select All to select the events, for example all the Pack meetings, and Select All to select all the youth, adults, etc. Just today it saved my hours!

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Thanks! I’ll check it out, I’ve only used the extension so far to make copy events…which saves tons of time.



You might want to log in to scoutbook and edit your last post. Your email signature included your phone number.

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