New Parents are Automatically Added to EVENTS in Scoutbook

Is it possible to have new Parents automatically added to existing EVENTS in the Calendar without having to go to EACH event to add them? This is a cumbersome task especially if they join months after the program for Scouting starts (September for us).

CM - Franklin Johnston - S7-421-18-1 (pack365 dot org)

That is something we have previously asked of the developers, but I do not know when it will be implemented.

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Using the Feature Assistant Extension (for Chrome & Firefox) makes it somewhat less cumbersome. There are instructions on installing the extension (and from there, instructions on how to bulk-update invitee lists) here: Feature Assistant - What is it?

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Thanks for the replies Scouters! I am hoping the Developers are watching…:slight_smile: I do have the Feature Assistant on another browser, but even that needs work. YiS, Franklin P…

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