Automating the addition of new families into future activities

When new Scouts populate into Scoutbook, we have to manually add the parents and/or Scout(s) to every future calendar event that has already been created. Would it be possible to auto-invite the Scout (at least) to any future calendar events that are classified as Pack and Den events?

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This enhancement has been requested, but it’s still (AFAIK) in the backlog somewhere. In the interim, the Feature Assistant Extension can be used to simplify this process somewhat.

The extension can be found here:

and there are instructions for how to bulk-add/update invitee lists. It’s a lot faster than going through the events one at a time.


I do have the extension, but having the link to the documentation is extra helpful, thank you! I also saw that others had brought it up, but since there were no active posts, wanted to reiterate that it was still a desired feature. :wink:

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The Feature Assistant Extension puts an icon on the Browser toolbar which has a link to the documentation.

It’s a great feature, but I do need to point out that it’s a feature that other calendars don’t support (for example, if you have a new coworker, they’re not going to suddenly be included in your existing meetings with no action from you…), so it may take some heavy development work and time to do it right.

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Yes and no. Since the core Scoutbook doesn’t support reoccurring meetings, no. But if it did, like Outlook, you could add (or remove) a family from a reoccurring meeting. That could handle 50% or more of the gap.

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