Awards not showing up in Need Purchasing report

There are a few scouts that earned the Call of the Wild adventure award a few days ago. The den leader put the information in and marked the award as approved. This doesn’t show up in the needs purchasing report. I have checked to make sure they weren’t inadvertently placed on an open PO, as well as made sure they are not marked as awarded. Not sure how to resolve this and if it will continue to be an issue.

COW Adventure status

If you can add a few of the affected scouts’ BSA IDs (no names please!), that might help with the investigation.

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Sorry, new to being a SB admin. Here are the affected BSA ids. Thanks!


@TimothyEvans What’s odd is that you have the Unit Advancement Chair functional role at my.scouting, but you don’t have the Pack Admin role in Scoutbook. It should be automatic.

I will try requesting a position sync for you and see if that fixes the issue for you.

Jennifer, thanks for the help. How will I know when that has happened so that I can retry?

@TimothyEvans Try logging in to Scoutbook, and go to the Pack Roster page. Are you listed as a Pack Admin now?

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