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I’m awful at using Scoutbook. I have my Pack’s B&B on June 2nd. I think I’ve input everything as approved. Not sure I remember what “Awarded” means, and thereafter, how to setup the purchase order accordingly. Can anyone help me here? So sorry for the ineptitudes. If I recall, Donovan McNeil was a huge help to get me to the finish line in 2023. Donovan, can you help me out?!
Well if you mark something awarded it will NOT show on purchase order. In Scoutbook (scoutbook.scouting.org) > if you are unit admin > go to Unit > Reports > Needs Approval > Approve what is correct > then go to Needs Purchasing and add items to a purchase order to print out and take in to Scoutshop
Hi Donovan. This is all coming back and I am almost there. Some adventures are missing from the PO and are not listed as choices at the PO selection screen. Not sure what to do. These include:
Tiger Den: My Tiger Jungle x12
Wolf Den: Paws of Skill x9
Everything else is in order and ready to purchase on the PO. Thank you so much for your help in resolving these remaining two adventures.
@DonovanMcNeil: I figured out the issue! (patting self on back). My PO is accurate and ready to rock. @Stephen_Hornak I’ll print out the Advancement Report and PO and they can take either or both. Appreciate the heads up.
To give more advise @JordanBarbakow - these steps should be done at least once a month in all BSA Packs - Instant Recognition (getting awards) is Very important to keeping scouts engaged in the program. Giving them all at the end of the year is not good if that is what the pack is doing
…and marking something Awarded has (among others) the effect of removing items from the Needs Purchasing and Needs Awarding reports and any open purchase orders (since you obviously don’t need to purchase what you’ve already awarded).
@JordanBarbakow - I can tell you from my experience that it is better to purchase advancements and awards each month. I run my report the week of the pack meeting and purchase the items and package them the day I purchase them. It is much better for the scouts and as per the guide to advancement they are immediate recognition items.
Thanks all for the advice. Our pack was formed two years ago and at 55 kids deep; each den leader/our committee chair records and purchases each awards. I figured out how to advance each child’s rank though. All our scouts are being awarded upon completion of adventure. Thanks for your help.
@JordanBarbakow - the same should also apply to rank… not good to hold onto them for 9 months
From the Guide to Advancement:
A Cub Scout who has completed advancement should be
congratulated immediately and publicly. And though badges
of rank should be reserved for the next pack meeting, it is
best to present items such as belt loops and pins soon after
they have been earned. If it is possible for the pack to report
and purchase these awards quickly, they could be presented
at a den meeting, rather than waiting for a pack meeting.
What I’ve always done is to provide the patch/loop/etc. immediately upon completion of the requirements. Then at the Court of Honor again recognize them and if applicable, hand them the cards for their keeping (of course, making a backup copy in case they loose it).