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I am the new Advancement Coordinator for our Troop. I cannot access/see/print the “Needs Purchasing Report” for my Troop. If I click reports, I can access/see/approve in “Needs Approved” and access/see/print/award the “Needs Awarding Report”. But the purchase report just takes me in a loop back to my own dashboard. Hard to purchase advancements for the Troop if I can’t get the report.
In addition one of my personal scouts has the same issue if I try to see/log anything under advancements in his profile. I am told by his pack advancement coordinator that they can’t do anything either and have reported the issue.
Can someone look into my profile on scoutbook and figure out why I keep hitting these loops?
Where would I see if she has done that? I am already a committee member, committee secretary, merit badge counselor, and (weirdly) Unit Scout Reserve. Should it also say “Unit admin”? or is this something else?
They need to add you as Unit Advancement Chair in Scoutbook and make sure that you are connected to all Scouts in the troop with Edit Advancement permissions or higher.
What we usually recommend is that your troop leadership add you as Unit Advancement Chair using the Position Manager at my.scouting. After an overnight sync runs, you will automatically be a Troop Admin in Scoutbook.
Thank you! The person who has done all the jobs for years is going to try to get that corrected. I am very new to scoutbook as it wasn’t used by previous unit so I didn’t know my position codes in my.scouting even linked over.
@ZonyaWilson I would ask a Troop Admin to end your Unit Scouter Reserve position in Scoutbook. It doesn’t help you any, and it isn’t your registered position.