PO and Advancement Issue

I have an AOL who has 3 adventures that are saying they are tied to a specific PO. I did not create this PO. Because of this I am not able to pull these to my advancement report to purchase the needed pins.

Additionally, several of the adventures for this scout are showing a persons name next to it that is not even tied to him our our pack has approving stuff. Next to the words approved it that has the ! symbol in a blue circle with that persons name

This cub used to belong to a pack in PA and I am not sure if this plays a role.


@HollyPitoniak well first Adventures are not restricted items so you can go into any Scout shop and buy a handful with no documentation.

If you go to scoutbook.scouting.org > Unit > Reports > Needs purchasing > at bottom Closed Purchase Orders - do you see the number there? If not it may have been purchased by the old unit?

Post the Scouts BSA# (no names) and we might be able to give some clues

I know you can add to PO without the documentation but sometimes our council is sticklers for that advancement report stuff.

It is not in my old PO stuff that as the first place I checked. I did ask his dad and that person name that is there is from his old pack.

Member ID is 141030508

Thank you

@HollyPitoniak what is the adventure?

Actually i called his former cubmaster they are going to try and fix it

they cannot fix it - he is no longer in SB unit

I will see if he can help and if not then Ill reach back out

But it is weird that she would be be able to approve things if he is not in the unit. The approval dates are recent

The connection type can define some things

The adventures she approved were for citizenship, personal fitness and duty to god. These are also the ones that pulled to a PO I believe from the PA Pack

She also approved some requirements within Fishing and First Aid

He is not able to help but it is weird that this person can add his stuff to PO

yeah this might be a migration to SB+ that was missed - we will look at it. If Local Scout Shop gonna be a pain - order at Scoutshop.org

unfortunately i cant do that cause we need it for Monday.

she approved 1/25/25 - his membership in unit ended 1/26/25 - so it is all valid and right.

He has been with our Pack since August of 2024

They approved and added to a PO that day I bet - they would need to go to LEgacy SB > unit > needs purchasing > closed POS and Delete Items from PO. Delete the items there and then you would be able to add them

I sent this info to them and see if they can fix if not my council will have to deal with me getting stuff without correct paperwork


You can get a blank advancement report at https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34403.pdf

thank you for your help again

@HollyPitoniak - the pins and loops are not restricted items so they really would not need the advancement report.