Where do I go to find the Baloo Certificate to print it off? All the online coursework is completed, and I cannot seem to find the certificate to go along with it. Finding certificates for a lot of things is really difficult as the interface is excessively poor and mostly uses circular return.
Completed training will be displayed in My Training - Completions - after a sync between the systems, which normally happens between 12-24 hours. You select the training you want a certificate for, and the “Certificate” button will appear next to the “Member Training Report” (which you may prefer instead).
Did you do the in person part? When I did BALOO training earlier this year, I had to watch the videos but then attend the overnight, in person session held at one of our BSA camps.
After completing the in person portion, we were given our signed pocket certificates.
I completed the online part over a year ago. I am going to the course and the guy there is asking for teh completion certificate of the online part.
If you can’t print one yourself, you can have your council office send you a list of completed trainings. It should list the BALOO courses on there and while it’s not a certificate, I would think that proof of completion from your Council is adequate for the guy running the course.
I know each Council is different, but when I did it in April, I didn’t have to print anything as proof. They just verified I completed the videos with our council office.
Record of adult volunteer online training
You can create a completion certificate for each training module, one at a time.
- https://my.scouting.org/ > Menu > My Training > Menu > Completions
- Select course/module by clicking circle at beginning of row
- At top of page, click “Certificate”
Member Training Report
- https://my.scouting.org/ > Menu > My Training > Menu > Completions
- Click “Member Training Report”
Training Validation
- https://my.scouting.org/ > Menu > BSA Legacy Links > Training Validation
- Select “All Training”
- Under direct search enter a my Scouting Tools Username or BSA Member ID
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
This one-and-a-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight hands on practical. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the discovery of the necessary tools to help units carry our a successful camping experience. Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.
This course should not be taught with IOLS. As part of a two-part blended learning format, the on-line modules are the first step to become BALOO trained. The on-line training modules contain introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the practical training that is completed during an in-person, council instructed course. The on-line component must be completed prior to the practical component and the course facilitator should check this before allowing enrollment into this part of the course. The in-person syllabus is facilitated by the council training committee and the syllabus must be followed to include the overnight portion of the training. Otherwise the training code will not be awarded.
- per Training for Adults | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org) as of 16 Sep 2921
News about BALOO
- Taking your pack or den camping? At least one adult must take BALOO training first. March 28, 2018, By Bryan Wendell, Scouting magazine blog.
- What is BALOO, and why is it good for you? By Mark Ray.
From the March-April 2018 issue of Scouting magazine.
Related safety training information
- Weather-Related Safety | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org) (with 2018 video)
- Hazardous Weather Training Renewal Reminder (2019 discussion post)
Hello! How do you renew Baloo training if you did it 3 years ago? We need one adult trained within the last 2 years for our Webelos o ree and the only one we have took it 3 years ago.
If your council requires it every two years, I’d suggest finding out if that means the in-person part only or the online modules also.
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