Certificates to show completion of a training plan

I am about to go to BALOO training in a few weeks, and I have to show proof of having completed the online portion. Is there a way to generate a certificate or some other proof of completion for the entire learning plan?

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@etruongcao - you can find that option here:

I believe the one you’re showing is for the actual in-person BALOO component. I’m looking for a certificate that says I’ve completed all the modules for the on-line pre-requisite. I’m able to generate certificates and show completion of the individual modules, but not an overarching report or certificate that says I’ve completed the “BALOO Prerequisite Training v2” learning plan.


Can you just make a screen shot showing the online training is complete? You may want to ask the BALOO instructors how they want you to show proof you completed the online portion of the training. They should be able to provide instructions to get what you need.

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I’m keeping that in my back pocket as a last resort, but wanted to see if there’s a feature that can be added to the training system to generate official “proof of completion” for entire learning plans.

Their instructions were “photo or printed certificate”, hence why I’m asking here.

Requests for feature adds for the training system need to be requested via your Council’s professional staff. Neither the training team nor BSA IT monitor the forums.

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Ok, thanks. Would you suggest I contact the registrar, DE?

Who to contact varies by Council.

Generally, if you don’t know who you should be contacting, who’s the first person one should go to to inquire where they should be directed to?

The main Council phone number.

I found this in another thread, supposedly completing the online BALOO training does generate a certificate. Now I’m confused, where do I go to get this certificate?

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you check training and click certificate at top


@etruongcao - the process i showed in my screen grab is what you have to do. select the training, then click on certificate

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I’m on my.Scouting, and there isn’t one for “BALOO Prerequisite Training v2”.

As far as I know, there isn’t a certificate for the learning plan. You need to print the certificate for each individual module.

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@etruongcao I see you did 2 sections of 4 on 4/14/24 and 2 on 11/3/23 - my guess there is a completion time period of like 60 days that come into play


So my guess is do it again


I’m wondering if we could request a feature added to the system to generate certificates based on completion of learning plans (this would also be useful for the rest of the position-specific training).

Looking at BALOO specifically, the current system is workable, I can take a screenshot of the page to show completion of the plan, or I can print the individual module certificates. To verify that I’ve completed the prerequisite, the BALOO administrators would either accept my screenshot, or they have a list of the prerequisite modules and verify that I’ve completed it.

This is all fine, and nothing is broken here. Where I’m going though is more of a process improvement to make it go just a little more efficiently. Instead of having to check off 4 different modules for 30-40 attendees, let’s give the course administrators a single certificate that indicates that Attendee X has completed the prerequisite, so instead of checking off 4 things, now you’re only checking off 1, so the verification process has now been reduced to 25% of what it initially takes.

Accepting the screenshot is a proxy for that, but it does feel a little hackish and would feel a bit better and more “official” if we could generate a certificate for the entire learning plan.

Anyways, I want to propose this as a feature request to help improve process. Nothing is broken (as far as I can see), but I’d like to see the ability to generate certificates off of learning plans instead of just individual modules.

@etruongcao - you would need to propose that via your council as this is not the venue for that.

I am confused. After I did all of the pre-reqs for BALOO, before the hands on, I got a certificate that they were all done. Do you not see something similar?