@RickHillenbrand - As I said in my post, I was able to eventually get to my own Completions page on My.Scouting using the chat applet. I’m just not sure why I would do that instead of clicking Menu ==> Training ==> Completions starting at the home page, since it is much faster.
I trie dto use the chat applet to see someone else’s Training Completions page, and it didn’t work. I entered the Scoutyer’s first name, BSA ID number, and last name when prompted. It responded by saying, “We found the following training records:” followed by a list of 10 completed courses and the hyperlinked text, “And 180 more…” The 10 completed courses shown were his. When I click on the hyperlink, it takes me to MY OWN Completions page, not that of the other Scouter. I tried it twice with the same result. So, this appears to not be working if you need to check training for anyone other than oneself, unless the person has completed 10 or fewer training modules. The Training Validation Tool remains the only option, and it remains necessary to match up individual modules with a list of those that compose training for a position to determine whether a person is trained.
I have the Position Training Requirements report along with several older versions, since some folks completed training before 2019. To determine what a den leader who completed CS19 den leader training needs to do to become a trained pack committee chair requires matching up the modules the two positions have in common and then weeding out those common only to the committe chair position and finally checking the Scouter’s completions in the Training Validation tool to see whether any of those are completed. Even this, as much work as it is, is not foolproof. Someone could have some CS19 modules completed but actually have become a trained den leader prior to the launch of CS19, The only way to avoid missing this is by manually checking each module in the Training Validation Tool.
It just seems like this has become far more complicated in the past, If someone took Cub Scout Leader Basic Training (C23) in 1995, the got a card signed by the course director and the Scout executive or a designee. If that appears in the Training Validation Tool, we know we’re ok. The downside was they probably had to give up an entire Saturday to go get trained in person instead of being able to do a little each night in their pajamas at home. We’ve created abumndant convenience for volunteers who want to get trained, but we’ve sacrificed ease of accessing information.
In the training system, there is no course with the code Y01. However, when someone completes SCO 3008, SCO 3009, SCO 3010, and SCO 3011, the system creates a record that Y01 has been completed. Why can the system not create a record that Cxx, identified as CS19 den leader training, has been completed when SCO 450, SCO 451, SCO 452, SCO 453, SCO 454, SCO 455, SCO 456, SCO 457, SCO 460, SCO 461, SCO 462, SCO 463, SCO 464, SCO 465, and SCO 466 have been completed? This should show up on the Scouter’s My Completions page with the ability to print a certificate - the same one briefly available when the final module was completed - at any time in the futuire, even if that person is not a registered den leader. I see from my own My Completions page that I can print my certificate of completion for New Leader Essentials from 2001, even though the course was in-person on the 78th floor of the Empire State Building and not online. So, it seems people who complete a set of modules online that compose training for a position ought to be able to do the same thing.