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I have a Leader that is trying to register his two children with our pack. We tried to sort it out in a different discussion thread, but that thread closed.
The parent gets the attached error (You are not authorized to access this API) when attempting and can go no further.
@StephenLambert_II the user themself really need to be on here to help them - that MID you post has no username - I see a different username for council 439 - neither have Scout relationships
Hi everyone I’m the user in this case, I’m wondering if this has to either the fact that some reason I have two identical accounts attached to my email address. I have no idea how that happened as I only signed up the one time and instantly got a notification that there were two
@DonovanMcNeil / @jacobfetzer: Between this thread and the other, this has been going on for a while now. Is there something that you can do on your end to just push the two accounts over? Seems to be a series of small incremental “fixes” with similar results.