Big Request regarding Help Files


As I feel everyone should start requests to you, I say Thank You for all the great work you do it is amazing!

Having said that I want more and I see you as the only avenue!!!

I have found through being my councils Scoutbook Champion and by reading these forums that most people only look so far and then start screaming for help or yelling that something doesn’t work!!

A wonderful option (and I say this with absolutely no thought of the amount of work involved) would be an ability to toggle a setting in the extension to give some more direct access to help files.

So on the main login page there could be a field for choosing your help level
A. I am a novice help me please
B. I would like to know about major changes and how to navigate them
C. I am a self proclaimed genius leave me alone

So lets consider these in reverse order
If I choose C I have no new options or see anything different

If I choose B I would see for a period of time a link to help files around major updates. So right now on the unit page around where the activities logs were I would see a link to the help file explaining the new logs this would be set so these links disappear after a month??

If I choose A there would be links to help files scattered all around by different options (this would be intensive for initial set up but should remain pretty static

All thoughts and comments greatly appreciated

Ron Fedele
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council
(for 2 More days and then we become part of Golden Gate Area Council)
Scoutbook Champion
Merit Badge Dean

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