Blank meeting plans

The BSA National Council produces and sells through their National Supply Division the following three books:

  • Scouts BSA Troop Program Features Volume 1 (SKU 647790)
  • Scouts BSA Troop Program Features Volume 2 (SKU 656936)
  • Scouts BSA Troop Program Features Volume 3 (SKU 656937)

These books include detailed weekly meeting plans for each module. For example, the science module includes the following weekly meeting plan for week one.

The BSA National Council has graciously posted nearly all content from these books on their website at Program Features - Troop Leader Resources for Scout leaders to access. However, the detailed weekly meeting plans are not posted. For example, the science module content at Meeting Plans & Ideas: SCIENCE - Troop Leader Resources does not include the plan shown above, but only a blank plan shown below. All the modules show only a blank meeting plan.

I would like to request that the detailed weekly meeting plans for each module be included at Program Features - Troop Leader Resources instead of the blank templates.


I suggest you send this request through your Council as we do not have contacts for this website.

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