Blue Card PDF not filling in correctly

When trying to print partial merit badge blue cards for a scout, I received an error. I am familiar with the blue card printing process from scoutbook and have successfully printed blue cards as recently as last Friday (Nov 5th 2021). However, today I searched the individual scout and “unfinished badges”, selected print on blank paper, selected all three of the badges, and tried to print. When I got the error the first time, I went back into the scout’s data and made sure that his completed requirements were leader approved (they are), then tried the process again. Each time, I either opened the PDF (using the up-to-date adobe pdf reader) or saved the file and then opened it, but got a popup saying “An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem.”

I could see that the data was not pre-filled into the blue cards. It looks like someone needs to verify that the data is getting ported from the database into the blue card form for important into the PDF.

(Note, when I actually did the process, I correctly selected all three blue cards and they had check marks next to them. When I created this screenshot, I was reproducing the blue card printing page and I forgot to select the cards for the screenshot).

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Same problem! File will not create properly, always pointing finger at Adobe. Need Help!

OK I reproduced this - sending to developers

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It seemed ok for me on a single MB for my son. I did this on a win10 enterprise without adobe reader installed so it opened and printed via chrome.

Yes - viewing in browser seems to be fine so that is a work around

Donovan, I removed Acrobat from my laptop and recreate d the file. It downloaded automatically to a .pdf file. It is still blank, contains only Unit Leader signature. How do I view it in Browser?

I tried to print blue for a scout to work on. Viewing from the browser can display the fields but the unit leader’s initial signature becomes the completed signature (unit leader approved/recorded) on the printout.

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