Blue Cards Printing - Missing Information on the Back Side of Card

Why isn’t ScoutBook filling out the back side of the blue cards with Scouts Name, Address, District Council, Leader signature and date?

Thanks… Russell

I just tried this and it worked fine - the unit leader signature is an action in scoutbook for initial signature, and the date is that date - not the finish date

On the back it does seem to be pulling the wrong date - seems to be looking for the finished date not the date UL signed the card

The front side of the card with scout info, merit badge info, troop, troop number and leader signature all appear on the front side of the card. Just no similar info on the back side.

I should have looked at all blue cards. Only the first scouts information was missing from the back of the blue card. Need to look into why…


We would need the Scout’s BSA member number (no names, please) and the name of the merit badge in order to take a look.

I found the bug.

If Initial Unit Leader Signature = No in Scoutbook, the unit leader’s name and completion date will be printed on the Blue Card. I have notified the developers because in this case the filed should be left blank.

You can workaround the issue by going to the MB, clicking on Initial Unit Leader Signature and changing the date.

I changed the date and it worked… Thanks!

I am still having issues with other scouts. One in particular is 132418966. Citz in the Community, Citz in the World, and Personal Mgt. Personal Mgt is a partially completed MB during Summer camp at Camp Constantine. We are preparing to go to Merit Badge College in Weatherford this Saturday. I have made a grave error. I went back and change all the dates on MB x3 for 16 scouts to today’s date.

When I try to print out all 16 scouts x3 MBs each, the first scout MB backside card is not filled out. I tried changing the date again and it did not work… I will just have to print out each scout individually and then print the blue cards. I still need to figure why 132418966 blue cards are not populating on the backside when I try to print just his blue cards for the 3 MB listed in previous post.

In this case, the workaround I would use is print the BCs as is then hand them to the Scout and tell the Scout to complete the information on the back side.

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[quote=“RussellStodieck, post:9, topic:263888”]
One in particular is 132418966. Citz in the Community, Citz in the World, and Personal Mgt. Personal Mgt is a partially completed MB during Summer camp at Camp Constantine. We are preparing to go to Merit Badge College in Weatherford this Saturday.[/quote]

I am trying to print this scouts MBs. Two are new not started and one is a partially completed MB. When I try to print all three, which is what I need for these pre-printed cards, only the partially competed MB is fully populated. Is this another bug?

Understood, however, this bug will not be fixed before your MB College on Saturday which is why I suggested just printing the Blue Cards and having the Scout enter the missing information.


I have the same issue when printing out more than 1 sheet of badges at a time. If I run the print blue cards and only select 3 badges at a time both the front and back will print. It takes a while to print 1 sheet (double sided) at a time, but it’s easier than having the Scouts (or someone) filling them out.

I printed them one at a time too. My printer does two sided printing so it is easier. Only had to print 16… :slight_smile:

I could print 80 sheets, which I’ve done for Summer Camp, double sided, with no problems until about a month ago. It’s only when I accidentally printed 3 badges instead of 4 that I realized the file had all the blanks filled in to print. I just have to remember that each time I print blue cards.

Don’t know what happened to Scoutbook to cause that printing error for some.

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