Somehow I’ve managed to lose two accounts that we are trying to add to our troop.
The scouter’s original BSA ID is 135472176.
I know he has a duplicate in there somewhere because the old SM made him a new account instead of requesting the transfer. I have since removed that account as a connection for the troop on Scoutbook.
However, before removing the old account, I was able to search for the scout and locate his original account on Scoutbook. When I went back to add the original account as a connection and work toward getting him into our Troop, he no longer shows up in the search.
Also, partially related:
His father, BSA ID: 130816039
was also showing up in Scoutbook. He was connected to the incorrect scout account, but now I can’t even search for the adult and see him in order to connect him as a leader to other scouts already in our troop and/or add him as an adult leader to our troop.
I feel comfortable with technology and computers and can usually find the answers on my own, but I keep walking in circles with this issue.