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When attempting to create a new calendar event in Scoutbook, If there are no adults listed as Invitees, I receive an error message saying: Invitees: Please invite at least two active leaders.
Is this a new requirement? I don’t recall having to do this in the past. Although I can see why it might have been implemented, it seems unnecessary. And it clutters up the RSVP list… if I just need to know what scouts are attending, I don’t need adults listed as well. And for Cub Scouts, when a boy is included on the Invite list, his parent(s) also get the invite/message.
Event is not created after adding adults After dismissing the error message, and then editing the Invitee list to include adults. I am then able to Save the event - however, the event doesn’t actually get created / never appears on my calendar.
I’m on a Mac, using Google Chrome, with the Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook installed.
Note, I don’t typically add ‘leaders’ to my invite list, because all of our leaders are parents - so I just add all the parents.
Have the adults you are adding opted out of e-mail? You can find out by going to Messages and trying to send a message to the unit. Any opted out will say so.
@edavignon - After seeing the error, I’m adding ALL my parents, including myself. I have no idea if any have opted out, but I’m certain most have not.
If I add the adults when initially creating the event, there is no issue… so I’m confident this is a new bug introduced by the new “must have 2 leaders” logic.