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I’ve seen other threads discussing the “please invite 2 leaders” issue with Scoutbook events. (I can’t save events unless there are two leaders invited.) I’ve seen the workarounds, but in a previous thread, it was announced a fix was being developed. (New Event requiring at least two active leaders - #13 by JasonSchlager)
Does anyone have an idea of when the fix will be rolled out?
You must invite 2 adults to all events. They can be leaders or parents. There are no plans to change this as Scoutbook needs to ensure at least 2 adults are copied on all reminders. Requiring 2 adults who have not opted out of e-mail is the way the BSA chose to prevent one-on-one communications between adults and Scouts.
I know this isn’t exactly the spot to vent about this (nor can the SUAC do anything about it), but I really wish the BSA would revisit the idea of opting out of email for adults. Adding this option seems to be causing a ton of extra issues as an unintended consequence…
Ed, the problem I’m having is that I am inviting adults - I’m inviting parents in their own role. But Scoutbook isn’t letting me send the invitation without another leader. So I’ve done the workaround, but wish I didn’t have to.
The parents do have e-mail addresses in Scoutbook, and for what it’s worth, I’d never encountered this problem before Tuesday.
I tried several different combinations of things, but the event simply wouldn’t save until I made another den leader my assistant den leader. I might remove that designation and try again just to see what happened.