Bug in Quick Entry for MB Counselor

I was working with a Merit Badge Counselor to better understand an issue that has been happening as he works with scouts in our troop.

We believe that we have isolated a bug in the way that “Quick Entry for MB Counselor” works.
(This may be present elsewhere as well).

If he does a quick entry for a scout (in this case Communications MB Req #9) it shows:
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on May 15, 2021 by {{MBC}}
It also has a BLUE checkmark - as would be expected.

When on the quick entry screen - he is unable to see the status of any of the scout’s requirements.
If he marks the same scout as complete for that requirement and applies it - the record is updated.
It now shows:
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on Jun 10, 2021 by {{MBC}}
However the BLUE checkmark is gone, and it is reverted to a GREEN checkmark.
(Why would quick entry revert/remove the blue checkmark?)

If he does a third quick entry -
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on Jun 10, 2021 by {{MBC}}
The BLUE checkmark restored.

(If screenshots are helpful, I can provide them)

It would seem to me that there should be a check in the QuickEntry to simply NOT update a record that already is marked completed by a MBC - but at minimum it shouldn’t be able to revert it through that mechanism (as the MBC is unable to see the status while on that screen.)

If a scout needs to have a requirement removed - they should (I expect) be in that scout’s profile to reset any erroneous entries.

As a side note - navigation for an MBC could be greatly improved if the QuickEntry for MBC made each Scout’s a link to the Advancement Page for that Scout/Merit Badge combination.
This would be a better navigation experience than having to go through connections to find a scout to see what they might have marked as complete already.

There are known issues with MBC Quick Entry that the developers are working on.

Thank you for providing detailed reproduction instructions. This will help to make sure the issue you discovered is being addressed as part of the fixes.

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