I was working with a Merit Badge Counselor to better understand an issue that has been happening as he works with scouts in our troop.
We believe that we have isolated a bug in the way that “Quick Entry for MB Counselor” works.
(This may be present elsewhere as well).
If he does a quick entry for a scout (in this case Communications MB Req #9) it shows:
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on May 15, 2021 by {{MBC}}
It also has a BLUE checkmark - as would be expected.
When on the quick entry screen - he is unable to see the status of any of the scout’s requirements.
If he marks the same scout as complete for that requirement and applies it - the record is updated.
It now shows:
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on Jun 10, 2021 by {{MBC}}
However the BLUE checkmark is gone, and it is reverted to a GREEN checkmark.
(Why would quick entry revert/remove the blue checkmark?)
If he does a third quick entry -
completed May 15, 2021
Counselor Approved on Jun 10, 2021 by {{MBC}}
The BLUE checkmark restored.
(If screenshots are helpful, I can provide them)
It would seem to me that there should be a check in the QuickEntry to simply NOT update a record that already is marked completed by a MBC - but at minimum it shouldn’t be able to revert it through that mechanism (as the MBC is unable to see the status while on that screen.)
If a scout needs to have a requirement removed - they should (I expect) be in that scout’s profile to reset any erroneous entries.
As a side note - navigation for an MBC could be greatly improved if the QuickEntry for MBC made each Scout’s a link to the Advancement Page for that Scout/Merit Badge combination.
This would be a better navigation experience than having to go through connections to find a scout to see what they might have marked as complete already.