Bug with Bronze Palm - using same merit badges as Eagle Award

We have a new Eagle scout with a total of 30 merit badges. The system awarded him two palms. It appears the same merit badges show up for his Eagle as the bronze palm.
With 5 merit badges per palm, he should only have one palm. How do we get this fixed.
The scout is under 18, so it should be easy for him to get another MB.

More information - His Individual History Report shows 31 MB. The IH report shows two different badges for Eagle. Quantity wise he is OK, just showing the wrong badges under Eagle.


Please post the BSA Member ID (no names). I suspect the Scout has the wrong version of Eagle set. With the Member ID we can determine which version is set.

128404830 Is his BSA ID. I misspoke about 31 as Cit. in Soc. is at 0% on his individual history report - not required for him. So should some non-required be in its place?

His Eagle Scout rank is set to the 2022 version year. That’s why the code is thinking that Citizenship in Society is required for him.

I think they just flagged it as completed without making the change back to 2016. Is there a way to fix? It is screwing up his palms.

Council needs to send in a national membercare ticket to get it flipped

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