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The screenshot speaks for itself, I think. This is in Firefox on a Mac. Not sure why the window of the video is so small.
This isn’t just the cutting off of the main text (which can be revealed by clicking the little arrow) but the fact that you can only see half of the “Next” button.
I’m not a Mac guy, so I’m not sure. Does CMD-0 reset the zoom level of the display, or just the browser? I ask because my work laptop display has a default zoom > 100%, and resetting the browser zoom level doesn’t impact that.
No, I think what they are getting at is on modern, high resolution displays, the OS will make things larger so they don’t look tiny (both Mac and Windows does this).
In windows they call this scale. On a Mac that allows the windows and icons to still be the same visual size, but higher density of details / resolution.
From what I see on googling, it is “System Preferences > Displays. Hold the Option key and click “Scaled”. Choose from one of the options that suits you.”
Yeah I sent this in to the degree I could - on the Sight setup they have Height and Width each set to 100% which I think is causing a conflict and on some screens a scroll bar does not appear