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My troop would like to use the scoutbook calendar in a full fledged form. Few questions.
Is there a way to add new event type when we create the new calendar event?
After creating the calendar, I would like to edit it and make it with repeat option. I am not seeing that ‘occurrence’ setting afterwards.
Is there a way to export the calendar events to Scoutbook from excel?
When I created the calendar event, I don’t think the invitees are getting an email about the calendar similar to what we have in google/outlook. Is there a way to set it up?
Thank you so much for the quick response.
2nd point- so I make a mistake in creating the calendar, I will have to delete the entire event and then create new ones? Is there a way to add this feature ?
3rd point-let me correct and explain little bit better: If I have a spreadsheet with calendar details. Would I be able to import the the spreadsheet to the scoutbook and it should automatically create all the events accordingly. This feature is there in most of the standard calendar.