Can log into My.Scouting but not SB

Hi Y’all,

I have a SM, MID 115106677, who can log into My.Scouting, but can’t access their SB account.

The SB account I can see has the same MID.

Thanks for checking this out,

@DougWright Everything looks good to me.

Is she using the correct url?

And is she trying to log in with her my.Scouting username – not her e-mail address?

Thank you for checking @JenniferOlinger,

She has been doing this for years. I don’t know what changed. We will figure out a workaround for getting things done today (buying awards for tomorrow’s CoH). I will watch her log in tomorrow night; then I will be able to answer those basic questions. :slight_smile:

i have a another, different issue, rather out of the ordinary.

A Scouter rechartered using legal name with a boy troop, MID 13438641. This registration was paid. Registrar has marked this account “Do Not Use” because the training is on the other account.

Same Scouter rechartered using nickname with the matching girl troop, MID 13646325. This registration was a multiple from 641, per registrar, even though it is a different MID. This account has training attached. This account can not be used to multiple, as it is not paid. BSA just recently changed the rules on this.

Can SUAC manage the multiple MID under the paid MID? If so, after the overnight sync and a double check that the training has copied to the paid MID, I can ask the registrar to remove the “Do Not Use”, then end the multiple registration, and multiple the paid MID into the girl troop.

@DougWright both MIDs are under one management account - training is on both MIDs - this is a council issue - both MIDs have paid registrations - councils should know better and not corrupt data

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@DonovanMcNeil Thank you for the quick response.

I understand it’s a council problem. I spoke with our registrar before posting. She spoke with National last week. The odd thing was the girl troop registration was treated as a multiple when processing recharter, even though it had a different MID. And BSA changing recently to not allow a multiple registration to multiple elsewhere complicated the matter.

I forgot to ask above if there will be any change to her My.Scouting login?

She has 2 usernames.

We would need to know which username she wants to keep.

@JenniferOlinger I just left her a voicemail.

ScoutBook not loading right. I can’t access Troop Roster. I can use the browser cache to see a Scout profile, then move from Scout to Scout, but can’t pull up the roster, can’t open Patrols, and really can’t do anything useful in general. In my.scouting I also cannot pull up the Troop roster. It seems like there is an outage, but nothing is posted.

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BSA IT is aware of issues with multiple systems and is investigating the cause. Scoutbook appears to be working again.

Go all the way back to the login screen ( and log in again.

Not working for me. Can’t get at roster or any reports. Just get Error Loading Page.


Thanks. BSA IT is still investigating

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