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I appear to be experiencing an issue similar to that reported by @DavidMadison (same topic title, 2023/02/13). however the exchange does not reveal ALL steps required to resolve.
Thank you fro your prompt reply. Please accept my apologies for not being more thorough with my description.
My son added the MB to his profile; 2) The SM “signed” the blue card; 3) I searched for, found, and selected the correct MBC (who appears active; counsels the desired MB; lists "working with # Scouts).
Like @DavidMadison, the MB choice is “greyed out” (not able to select)
I complete the “invitation” eMail body; 5) When a attempt to send the invitation, I receive a message that I need to indicate “gender”, etc.
@NicholasPOWELL - go to the scout page then connections then click add then make sure to check the MBC only and if needed check the search from all councils. Fill in the info above those check marks. As a test you can search for me on that page.
@Stephen_Hornak - Thank you for your guidance. I have already performed a successful search (as you describe). I have successfully found the desired MBC prior to my post.
The “error” is that I select the MBC, draft an “invitation”, and then Scoutbook requests additional information (gender; name; etc.), as if I was creating an account for the person. This does not appear correct-since they are findable/selectable in Scoutbook, I presume they already have an account.
@NicholasPOWELL - no… you are in the section for new account. Click search under the mbc check box. Then click on the resulting name then check the mbc box and invite
navigate to the troop
go to organizational manager
click on reports
click on run next to the Council Merit Badge Counselor listing
Look for that counselor in the list and copy the BSA ID and use that in your search