is there any way for the unit leader of either unit to initiate a “multiple”? Or is it only the parent who can do this?
I can easily see how to transfer as a unit leader, but cannot find a way to do this for a multiple from a Troop to a Crew, we don’t want to lose her Troop membership and we are trying to make this happen before recharter
(This happens to be for a scout whose parents are the least involved parents I have ever seen and what it would take to get them to make this happen is just overwhelming to me today)
The only option I see at my.scouting is Transfer.
A paper application might work. You could partially fill it out for the parents.
Why does it need to be done before recharter?
Thanks! We’ll figure it out.
She’s trying to finish her Eagle rank in the Troop before Transferring into the Venture Crew. She will be a primary member in the Crew, but she is not yet a member in the Crew, so she doesn’t show up in that recharter yet. We can’t process the Crew recharter until she is a member in the Crew, but we don’t want to do a full on transfer because she wants to earn her Eagle in the Troop. She’ll be ready to turn in her Rank application before the year ends, but might not be ready before we want to process the recharter.
@AngelaKoch - why cant you process the crew then submit the dual reg app?
@Stephen_Hornak Because she is one of the 5 core members needed to have the Crew. BSA won’t let you have a Venture Crew with only multiples from a Troop. Every year, we have to find 5 Eagle Scouts who are going to keep participating.
@AngelaKoch - thanks now i understand. Could you add her on the recharter as an add new. Or perhaps duscuss with council on how best to proceed
This started through a discussion with the council. I actually got through to her mom yesterday afternoon and got her to connect to Scoutbook and MYST. I tried to walk her through how to initiate the multiple, but, when she went to “My Applications” there was nothing there. I am hoping that the overnight sync will solve the problem and we will be able to make this happen on Monday morning.
Could use some help on this. The mom went out of town on Monday and just got back into town today. we jumped onto MYST and found the same issue. I did a search on these forums and found an old thread about this issue and everyone said you need to call your council to sort this out. I tried to call the council and found out that they are closed for the day today. No idea why.
Is anyone on here able to make the connection in MYST for her? They are connected in Scoutbook, but not in MYST.
Parent BSA ID is 5905172
Scout BSA ID is 136884953
Thanks for any help you can send my way.
@AngelaKoch only council can fix that
Scout is connected to Sandy in AKELA
Weird, why doesn’t she show up in my applications?
Could be because mother has no DOB in AKELA - she might be able to fix herself
whoa, cool, I’ll try that with her is that under her user profile in MYST?
yeah - some things are editable others are not
when i look at my profile in MYST, the DOB is not editable
yeah but you have a CBC and registration - she does not
okay, so it should be editable since she doesn’t?
I’ll see if she can try right now Thank you!!!
Who knows, that is not our system
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Thanks for the suggestion! it was not available to her, so we will try monday morning with the Council.