Scout 135700061 is already in Venturing Crew 536. Mom wanted scout to be primary in Venturing Crew instead of Troop 21. Mom paid for Scout to be in Crew and listed Troop as multi unit. After Recharter Scout is still primary in Troop. Scout is not very active with Troop and this causes issues with Scouts BSA advancement. In frustration Mom entered an online application for Scout. When I try to accept the application it says position filled. It keeps sending me emails so I have an application waiting. Do I reject the application? Will this blackball the Scout? How do I get the Scout as Primary in Crew? Yes, I am the Dad, and Mom is embarrassed.
All primary means is which registration is used for payment. It has no effect on advancement.
We will investigate the issue shortly.
The Scout is registered through 2/28/25 in C0536 and T0021.
I did find a 2nd BSA Member ID (MID) and Scoutbook account from when she served out of Council on camp staff. I added the 2nd MID to her ID as secondary and merged the Scoutbook accounts.
You will need to contact your Council regarding which unit is primary and the extra application.
Thanks i reached out to council concerning the bad application.
Why the primary matters is only the primary can final approve Scouts BSA advancement. The scout is doing 90% of scouting with crew, but still requires approval from the Scouts BSA unit for approval of any Scouts bsa advancement. An example is a merit badge where the requirements were completed with the crew. I can enter but not approve her awards. I can approve for the rest of my Crew.
Hopefully, you know something I don’t and can square me away. Thanks.
@ChristopherWilliams6 Primary has nothing to do with advancement. If the Scout is in both in Scoutbook and already has First Class Rank, go to the Scouts Page in Scoutbook - make sure the Crew/Ship is selected as the Unit (it is darkened) > click Edit Extended Information > Turn on Scouts BSA Advancement
Thanks. I can enter as completed but cannot approve as earned and awarded. I have been able to complet the process with other crew not affiliated with a troop.
Chris Williams
@ChristopherWilliams6 are you a crew adult leader?
@ChristopherWilliams6 I see a potential issue - do you have a moment for a screenshare
I am going to cubscout roundup can i reach out tomorrow? i really want to understand i can send you a zoom link. i have availability 10 to 12CST Thursday and then I have to head to airport. I will be tied up until Friday evening. I can also get with you this weekend. My contact is in my Scoutbook profile if you would like to text me, this is something that has frustrated me for a long time so if you can show me something good I would be so grateful.
@ChristopherWilliams6 I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC) - I will include a meeting link for 10:30 am CST Thursday
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