When I click on My Calendar or Upcoming Events a loading icon pops up and then nothing happens. Page is frozen except for loading icon. Have to close window and open a new login to do anything in SB. Have tried logging in from different computers, browsers, locations. Even tried logging in thru my wife’s account. Have routinely accessed the calendar in the past, problem arose a few months ago.
@ChristopherVan_De_Ve - has anything changed in your roles/leadership positions etc ? When you log in what do you see ? Perhaps some screen shots posted here may help.
I’m seeing no problems accessing any of the features you noted (Calendar, Upcoming Events). Is the issue exclusively with those two items, or are you seeing any other issues? For example, can you still see your unit?
As @Stephen_Hornak suggested, screenshots could be helpful in tracking down other symptoms.
Also, do you have a BSA ID number (e.g. current or former leader, or anyone who has an account at my.scouting, such as having taken YPT)? If so, are you logging-in to scoutbook with your my.scouting username and password, or are you logging-in with your email address?
I have full administrator access to my troop’s info. I am the troop webmaster. I can even create, delete and edit individual events from the Events tab. I have been doing so for about one year. Beginning roughly in May, 2019, I’ve been unable to access the graphical calendar feature (My Calendar/Upcoming Events - it’s the same feature).
I’ve tried to paste a screenshot below. All it is is a Events screen with “loading” icon which has a moving swirl in it.
At roughly the same time I began experiencing this calendar issue, I was added to my older son’s troop Scoutbook as a parent (no administrator access). So I am in two SB troops now: one as an admin and a newer one as just a parent.
Yes I have a BSA account number and I log in with my username - not email address. I converted to SSO some time ago.
Hrm…I’m trying to think of all the things I’ve done that “fixed” a misbehaving account. Have you already tried the ever-popular “reapprove your own position” fix for admins?
ETA: Credit to @JenniferOlinger for clearly documenting the steps.
@ChristopherVan_De_Ve - well, we could try to do a screen share to see what is up with the issue. If you wish to try that please email me shornak@bloomberg.net and we can give it a try.
Thanks Charley, I have.
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