Cannot Change users Email Address

I have a parent that has the wrong email in their Scoutbook profile. I am a 3 key admin for my pack but when I attempt to update the email I get an unspecific error.

admins cannot change emails - only users can change their own email


I would add a caveat to the change of parent email. If the parent has not connected yet and most likely not if the email is not correct I have been able in the past to correct the email and re-send the invite.

@AndrewKraft Did you try searching based on the correct e-mail address? There is a good chance the parent is already in the system.

My issue is this user has not connected due to the incorrect email. Which I am unable to fix so they can then connect. Stuck in a catch-22. Also searched for the user with correct email and it is not in Scoutbook.

@AndrewKraft I have sent you a private message for more information. Please look for the indicator on your avatar (yours is a blue “A”) in the upper right of the forums.

I have 3 parents with the same issue. They registered in Scouts in a different area before moving here. Their old email address (work related) is no longer active and they forgot their login credentials. Scoutbook will only send the change link to the email of record. How can they get their login credentials reset?


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