As Committee Chair cannot delegate Advancement Chair to enter/edit Scoutbook
You need to log into then go to Menu → Unit → Organization Security Manager and set the Unit Advancement Chair. The position ends every time the Council processes your recharter so this must be done anually.
After doing this, your advancement chair will have access to Internet Advancement.
If you are looking to give them access to Scoutbook, go to your unit roster, click +Add then add the Unit Admin roll to the individual.
Thanks Ed, but I do not have any options to do that on my login. We rechartered in November and still have old Charter Org Rep listed for our unit
@SteveGressmire When you log in at (my.Scouting Tools):
- Click on the Menu button in the upper left corner.
- Click on My Profile.
What do you see under Active Positions?
@SteveGressmire When you log in at, are you able to go to:
- Click on Menu button in upper left corner
- Click on Troop 0430 - Warioto District
- Click on Organization Security Manager
- Click on Key 3 Delegate or Unit Advancement Chair to designate your advancement chairman ?
Greetings Jennifer, I have her entered as a Key 3 Delegate but she still has no access in Scoutbook. Please advise
Thank you
It takes 24 hours for Scoutbook access to be added. When did you add her as a Key 3 Delegate?
Yesterday, I will let her know. Thank you!!
If you want to give her immediate access to Scoutbook, you can do so by:
- Go to your Troop Roster page in Scoutbook
- Click on the “+Add Leader” button underneath the list of Leaders
- Use the “Search For Existing User” to search for her by name or e-mail address
- Add her position as Unit Advancement Chair
- Add her role as Troop Admin
This will allow her to access Scoutbook immediately, but Internet Advancement 2.0 uses different permissions. If you designated her as a Key 3 Delegate, then she should be able to access IA 2.0 after about 24-48 hours.
Please be aware that the Organization Security Manager functional roles at (my.Scouting Tools) expire every year and need to be reset after your unit’s recharter has been processed by your local council.
She has been added as Advancement Chair in Scoutbook for some time,
Kindest regards,
Jennifer, neither I (Committee Chair) or Kimberly McKonkey(Advancement Chair) are able to add to a Scouts activity logs. We can view them but not add to them. It’s very frustrating
Do either of these match what you can or can not do ?
No sir, I need to add to service log and camping log. Where are these entered??
This should help as well as the other link for future activities.
Thank you!! I had very limited access via mobile device. On my laptop I am able to access all. One additional question though. When Scoutbook first began, as Committee Chairman, I had access to the adult profiles and could add nights camping and other data such as OA induction, nights camping and Brotherhood conversion. Has this portion been removed or is there a way to continue to add these elements to the adult files??
Kindest regards,
Steve Gressmire
Troop 430
Troop Committee Chairman
Warioto District Unit Commissioner
Apt 200
2021 Oakwood Dr
Westmoreland, Tn 37186
@SteveGressmire IIRC, we could not add nights of camping / service hours / hiking miles to other adults in Scoutbook, because of the way the system was originally designed. However, you can add OA information to another adult’s Edit Profile and turning the OA Member toggle on.
Using the new activity logs in IA 2.0, you can now add nights of camping / service hours / hiking miles to other registered adults in your unit.