I am unable to import files in internet advancement. In scoutbook I have the positions of both Troop Admin and Unit Advancement Chair. I have had the Unit Advancement Chair for at least a year. I only see my Troop Admin position in IA and the Import File button is grayed out. How can I get access to import files?
*************************I already have the unit advancement chair role in scout book. It is not deleted. Again, I HAVE THE ROLE. Please stop suggesting that role needs to be added, I have it in scoutbook.
First, if you are using scoutbook, why do you need to do an import in Internet Advancement?
Second, there is an advancement chair functional role in my.scouting.org organization security manager that is different from Scoutbook’s unit advancement chair. That is what you need.
The role in Scoutbook is not relevant to having the correct credentials in IA2. One of your unit Key 3 must designate you as Key 3 Delegate or Unit Advancement Chair in the Organizational Security Manager in my.scouting to have the relevant access in IA2. They are not the same designations in Scoutbook and IA2. Just the same name.
Thank you. Although this is confusing I did check in my.scouting.org and you are right I do not have the advancement chair role. It seems redundant to have to assign this role in so many places, but I have asked our chairman to add it there. Hopefully that works!
Also, not that it matters, but we have been doing double entry in the system that the troop uses (TroopWebHost) and scout book in lieu of using internet advancement to import files. I would like to eliminate the double data entry as much as possible which is why I am trying to get access to importing files.
Thank you for explaining. I like to make sure people aren’t doing thinks inefficiently. It sounds like you’re trying to become more efficient.
I do have the Unit Advancement Chair role, and cannot access the “Import File” function in Advancements.
Please advise.
Thank you,
Michelle Stewart
Hrm…if you’re designated as UAC in the Organizational Security Manager, @MichelleStewart, you should have import access. How long ago did the Key 3 designate you as UAC at my scouting? It doesn’t hit immediately, if I recall correctly.