Cannot see both scouts in the same family

I have 2 children in scouts and when I log in scoutbook, I only see my daughter’s record and not my son. The SM said my account is connected to both kids on his end, here’s a screenshot of what I see when I logged in. I’m supposed to see My family right? My ID number is 135877040. Thank you!

That BSA Member ID belongs to your daughter. The last time her account was logged in was today. The last time your account was logged din was 5/12/21.

My SM told me that the UserID he sees linked to my children is 2779016, but he’s not able to see the username or email. I was able to find another BSA log in I have used before which is BSA ID 13802408. Would that be the correct parent account?
Thank you!

@Sho what are you doing to log in? Using the Google Log in or entering an email?

For BSA ID 13802408 I use google, for BSA ID 135877040 I use my email address.

@Sho OK I merged accounts - try using Google to log in to see if it is fixed in SB please

Perfect! Thank you so much!!

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