Cannot upload advancements to Internet Advancement 2.0

I attempted three times to upload the Pack advancements from TroopTrack to Internet Advancement 2.0. I received a “Failed” message all three times.

if it just says failed kind of sounds like wrong file format - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

We are also having an issue uploading advancement from Pack Master. The import icon is greyed out. No way to import. Any ideas?

Usually, if the upload functionality isn’t available, it’s related to the registered/delegated user position of the individual trying to upload. The list of “authorized” adults is here:

If the person attempting the upload is one of the individuals who should have access, verify their registered position in (e.g. for unit Key 3) or in the Organizational Security Manager (e.g. for Key 3 Delegates, Unit Advancement Chair). They should also verify that they have the correct role selected under the fleur de lis icon in the upper right corner of the IA2 window.

ETA: I verified that I am able to see and click on the upload file icon as a Key 3 delegate for my unit, but not if I change my position to another role under the fleur de lis icon.

Thanks for the info. This is something we had access to in the past. Seems to have failed since the power failures in TX. I am a Unit Admin and my Unit Advancement Chair also cannot access the import function.

@BruceAzzarito - can you have a Key 3 in your unit make sure the charter has a new expiration date and that you are assigned to the respective functional roles.

Unfortunately, being a Scoutbook Unit Admin doesn’t grant access for upload, nor does being designated as UAC in Scoutbook. Only the folks identified at the link I posted above. It is possible that the functional roles previously assigned were dropped for some reason (e.g. recharter posting/closing-out, etc). @Stephen_Hornak is right. Having one of your Unit Key 3 (SM/CM, CC, COR) check the delegated roles in the OSM at will help clarify what the issue is.

It looks like your registrations have expired. Please contact your local council for assistance. We would need the BSA member number of your Unit Advancement Chair to look that person up.