Can't access Needs Approval report

I’m the cubmaster of my pack. When I go to the Needs Approval Report, it is saying “whoops!..” and gives a blurb about the webmaster being alerted. It’s been going on for a week now. Who can I contact? I was hoping to be able to approve and purchase a LOT of awards soon…

Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Positions and make sure you have the Pack Admin role list ed in your current positions.

Are you a leader in multiple units or just the single pack.

Try to clear your cache as a first step


I am pack admin in Scoutbook. Been the leader of this pack (only unit I’m a leader for) for a couple years now. This is the first time I’ve had this issue with Scoutbook.

Not a cache issue. I’ve tried in 3 browsers on my laptop, and 2 browsers on my phone. Not an internet issue, as I’ve tried both my laptop and phone on my home wireless and on mobile network.

I am having the same issue, trying to add community service hours. I have tried 3 browsers and my phone!!!

Well, I had my advancements chair try, and she has the same issue. At least I know it’s not just me!

@Angela_Angie_Purpura, service logs have been moved from Scoutbook to IA2 ( and require that the person be one of the unit Key 3, or designated in the Organizational Security Manager at my.scouting as a Key 3 Delegate or Advancement Chair.

I occasionally have my admin privileges “revoked” invisibly (i.e. they look fine, but aren’t working). To resolve this, I go to

My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster → my name

then reapprove/accept my admin role. It seems to reset something behind the scenes and my admin privileges work again.

ETA: The solution is path dependent, so getting to any Positions directly from My Dashboard doesn’t seem to work.

I tried even going to that link, its not working :frowning: . I am the Scoutmaster, it is just not working today .

All of the Scoutbook servers have been restarted. Can you try again and let us know if the reports are working?

That worked! Thanks @edavignon

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