Can't access Scoutbook, senseless error messages

It actually sounds like you had a link to scoutbook on your device desktop/homepage, @MattPatton. Those often end up mimicking the color scheme from the website, which is reasonably similar to the Scouting app.

The Scouting app, as has been mentioned several times, does not have (and has not had) an admin/unit scouter interface that allows for “leader approval”. It’s been one of my complaints since it was released and linked to Scoutbook. I can’t even find a link to Scoutbook in the app

Which version number of the app are you running? On iOS or Android? Maybe if you can describe the steps you usually took to get to Scoutbook from the app, it might help everyone better understand what you were seeing, because you’re describing a use experience none of the rest of us can square with what the app has always been for the rest of us (including numerous troop admins, Key 3, and Key 3 Delegates).

@MattPatton - i am a committee chair of a pack, troop and crew and all i get is my son’s info to look at.

@MattPatton - this is scoutbook

Charley, I have no doubt that what everyone is saying is correct. At the same time, that does not dissuade me from my past experience. Perhaps your suggested explanation is correct. Unfortunately, I cannot confirm nor answer your questions, because I deleted the app last night and then downloaded again what I thought was the same app. I appreciate the assistance. I will download the my.scouting app with the blue icon.

@MattPatton - the scouting app will not get you where you need to be with scoutbook. You should bookmark in your mobile browser. I have a shortcut on my phone home screen that when clicked takes me to the landing page.

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