I have a scout who earned Eagle on 12/5/2023. He also concurrently earned two Eagle Palms. I am trying to award the Palms in scoutbook today (after the palms have switched to the 2024 version of requirements). When I enter the earned date same as the EBOR 12/5/2023, I get an error that “Palms must be earned in order. This palm cannot be earned before the last palm is earned.” I get this error even on the first Bronze palm.
I suspect this is a programming bug with the new requirements. There doesn’t seem to be a way to switch back to the 2017 requirements. No Quick Entry for Palms. Internet Advancement shows a partially complete 2017 Bronze palm and a complete 2024 Bronze Palm. Same for the Silver. Could this be the issue?
Please post the Scout’s MID (no names) and we will investigate.
where is the second screenshot from?
Scout’s MID 127611360.
There were three screenshots: Eagle BOR date, the Error message from Scoutbook, and the view in Internet Advancement, under the Awards section.
@NikolaiNorausky I cannot reproduce this - I can setup a screenshare to take a look
@DonovanMcNeil Yes please! How do we go about doing that?
We just need to figure out a time - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
Ok, I am free after 11am PT today
@NikolaiNorausky look for the private message - click the Green circle N on top right of screen
@DonovanMcNeil did you figure out if this is a bug or if there is a work-around? I’m getting the same error when I try to approve palms earned with Eagle rank earned in 2023.
@MelissaRoder what is the bsa# of the scout?
The work around would be to have council enter them for now
Having the same issue/error message. Multiple scouts. Still need to contact council?
Same issue here. Eagle BOR is Dec 2023, can’t update Scoutbook for the Palms earned concurrently.
This is being investigated
I had the same issue in 2022 while trying to award 3 palms along with an Eagle. I just printed out advancement forms and turned in paper to the council. I assumed it was just not updated / working right.
@DonovanMcNeil Thank you for investigating! I am having the same issue. 
I am having the same issue. I am having to try to get Council to input for now. Thank you for working on this.
Yes this is a VERY ANNOYING one - SUAC and BSA IT do test thoroughly before release - we did not see this issue and SUAC has not been able to reproduce