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Our Advancement Chair is having trouble with Scoutbook functionality related to connecting merit badge counselors to scouts. When doing some research, I noticed these topics which describe our issue perfectly:
Any idea how to fix this? : Can't invite Merit Badge Counselor
The issue with connecting MBCs to Scouts has been fixed. Please describe what is happening so we can research. Provide the BSA Member ID of the Advancement Chair (no names).
And her description is: “when I attempt to connect a scout to a MBC, via the “invite counselor” tab, I am taken to a page where I can “+ Add” a connection and where I can select “MBCs only.” (See attached screenshot). I have no luck in getting results via the name or email field. I get a message that states “No record found that satisfies the search criteria.” In the past, the “invite counselor” took me to a page where I could search/select counselors for the specific MB.”
The connections page is the page that Scoutbook has always taken the user to when clicking on “Invite Counselor” from a Merit Badge page.
If you have the Feature Assistant extension installed, “Invite Counselor” is renamed “[scout’s] Connections”, and a new option named “Lookup/Invite Counselor” is added. The Lookup/Invite takes you to a modified Counselor Search page where a connection can be made without having to go to the connections page.
The failure of the search itself should be looked into more.