I am the pack/troop secretary and admin. I can make calendar events just fine, but I am not able to edit them after they are created. It’s getting really frustrating because I need to edit events and can’t, I have to go to my committee chair to get stuff done on the calendar. I’m suppose to take stuff off her plate not add to it.
From what I can see you should be able to. Is this for troop 343 and pack 3343?
Both Pack and Troop. I can take a screen shot.
I would recommend asking a Pack Admin and a Troop Admin (someone other than yourself) to reset your Pack Admin and Troop Admin roles. Here’s how:
- In Scoutbook, Admin goes to the Pack Roster or Troop Roster page.
- Click on your name.
- Click on your Pack Admin / Troop Admin role.
- Make sure the box is checked next to “Position Approved”
- Click Update to save.
Then repeat for the other unit.
Is there a third unit that sometimes participates in joint activities, such as a girls troop or venture crew? If that’s the case, you have to be a unit admin for all units that are invited.
That just might be it… I have put in adult app for our girls troop but haven’t been approved yet.
One of the unit admins for the girls troop should be able to search for you and make you a unit admin there too.
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