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I have not been able to edit or cancel Scoutbook calendar entries for a few months. I can add new ones, and edit those, but any previously existing calendar entry has been locked from everyone.
I am a Key 3 (Chair) and have had calendar access since Scoutbook began in NSC. After reading some cases, there might be an issue with events for multiple units. We had a girls troop that dissolved. I believe these events were set up when we had the girls troop (and when they were set up as joint events).
Also, I can’t find the IA version of calendar. I go to my.scouting.org and the troop management, but can’t find any calendar.
Good Afternoon @DonovanMcNeil , I’m having a similar issue. I’m a new Asst. Scoutmaster for our Troop and I’m trying to create an event in our calendar to test the functionality. I can click the add button and fill-out the form with all the event details, however, I can’t create the event because it says I need to add a Unit to the event. When I click that plus button there is nothing in the box available to select.
I don’t think ASMs have calendar privileges beyond a Patrol Calendar (if assigned to a patrol), which is a shortfall. Our Troop has multiple ASMs and they rotate as “Scouter in Charge” of a specific Troop events/activities throughout the year. I polled our leadership and they agreed to assign them “Outdoor Outdoors/Activity Chair” so the ASMs could enter Troop calendar information/record attendance. Additionally with the IA calendar allowing Activities (Camping, Hiking, Service) to be tied to calendar events, this is our Troop’s way to give the ASMs access to enter Troop activities tied to a calendar event (without giving ASMs the “Admin” role). Would be nice if the “Calendar Editor” role that Scouts could be assigned be expanded to adults like ASMs to have the Troop Calendar permission.