Unable to edit calendar events

Hello. I have noticed an issue in the calendar lately and would like some help. There are some events on my pack’s calendar that I am unable to edit. I am currently CM for the pack, but was also CC for troop last year. I am no longer a Key 3 in troop. It appears that the events I created that included both the pack and troop are the ones I am no longer able to edit. Is there a way to fix this? I can’t even mark attendance for the Scouts in my pack on these events because I no longer have edit permissions.

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In order to edit an event that is on 2 or more calendars, you must be an admin, committee secretary or outdoors chair in all the units. I recommend asking the troop to make you an admin again so you can edit these calendar entries.

This is the primary reason I do not recommend putting a single event on multiple unit calendars.


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