Can't edit Camping in Activity Logs

I can edit Service Hours and Hiking, but can’t edit any Camping for the Troop. Thoughts?


@RyanEash - are you getting any error ?

Actually, yeah. “You have encountered a problem with this feature. Please clear your cache and try again. If this does not resolve your issue, please contact your council.”

Clearing cache does nothing.

@RyanEash - in the upper right of Internet Advancement there is a unit/program drop down… in that box are you set on the unit ?


Same or similar issue with same error msg trying to create 2 different camping events on 3 different browsers on two different computers and on mobile device.

Would add every time in every browser and device/computer when you set the end date the input popup window disappears. Does not matter if you type the date or click the date. And even after tricking it with a sly cut and past it may still disappear when adding people. Even if you don’t add a end date and try to submit the camping event with inaccurate information just to get on the system, it wont let you submit it. It just sits there.

Any date you type, click, or paste at this point causes the popup window to disappear and you have to reload the page before you can click the + to try again. On multiple browsers, multiple computers, and multiple devices.

@DonovanMcNeil - I can state that this happens to me. I was able to add a campout without attendees but when attempting edit after it was created the child window does not appear.

Yes. Like I said, Hiking and Service Hours work, just not Camping. The popup window never appears like it does for the others. There’s something wrong with the Camping one.

I’m having the same problem / same error, specifically with trying to enter camping nights. Happens across three browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari) on two different devices, so I’m sure it’s not a cache issue. Must be a bug. I don’t have a problem with hiking miles, but any time I try to add people to a camping nights activity there seems to be an unhandled exception that kicks me back to the calendar and gives the error “You have encountered a problem with this feature. Please clear your cache and try again. If this does not resolve your issue, please contact your council.” Clearing the cache does not help.

Clearly a global issue as I am having the same problems listed above. I could add an event name and end date and location and submit to create the event, but going back to add names would throw the error.

Also, on event creation, if adding the end date first it would throw the error trying to add participants. If I added participants first it would throw the error trying to add the end date.

I am having the EXACT same issue

“You have encountered a problem with this feature. Please clear your cache and try again. If this does not resolve your issue, please contact your council.”

@WilliamNelson - something is amiss with the api that allows for edit/create in the camping logs.

This has been reported to development. They said they will look into it on Monday and try to do a hot fix them.


Jumping on this to note that it is also happening to me, this is the first time this has happened, and the only difference between now and the last time I entered camping nights is that I am now multi-registered in 2 units (just incase that helps hunt down the source of the glitch).

Just chiming in that I’m experiencing the same glitch. Camping-only, not Service or Hiking. Replicable on Chrome, Firefox, and iOS Safari. I managed to save an event yesterday, but every time I try to add people, it closes the popup window and asks me to clear my cache or contact council. Will wait for Monday’s fix. Thanks!

Also, I am having this issue.

Same problem. The event was created prior to this bug (I think), I go into edit and try to select scouts as attendees. The first one I click on, it kicks me out without having selected them, and I cannot hit “edit” again to get back into the event.

@GeorgeJohnson1 - we are all going to experience the issue as we are hitting the same site

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I’m wondering if my problem is related? I can create events, but can’t add participants. This happens in all activities, not just camping. I am unable to see any members of our unit in the drop-down box. Instead it says “no data”. I can run reports of past events - they do show the correct participants. But I can’t add anyone new to those events.

I am having the same issue when trying to create a Camping event. The window closes when you either add a person or add the end date.