Can't enter Eagle Service Hours

I am trying to enter hours for an Eagle project in Internet Advancement Activity logs. Once I check that it is an Eagle Project, all of my options disappear for the type of project - I can’t manually enter anything either. If I try to fill out the rest of the information and then save it tells me I can not save without entering the type of project - so I have to exit and lose everything. Please help.

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@JudyHolcomb try SHIFT + Refresh page

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And if you are Entering for the official Eagle Project recording it is one the Scouts Profile Page

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This same thing happened to me. It was entering the service hours for all the people associated with the project except for the Eagle candidate themselves. If you enter yes for the “was this associated with an Eagle project”. The next box that use to remove all the items except for “assisting with another person’s Eagle project”. Now says “no data”.

I had to select “no” to the eagle project question and “Other Activities” to be able to enter it since the one box that use to contain “assisting with another person’s Eagle project” is a required field.
Unless something has changed, the answer given by Donavan above is only for entering the Scout that the project was for.

The issue of no data in the project type field is a cache issue. Hold shift while clicking the browser refresh button to force a cache reload and you will see project types listed.

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That fixed it for me. Thank you

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