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Scouts who have transferred out of our unit still appear on the roster. Some AOLs who transferred to a troop in March are showing as expired. But one Scout who moved to a different council and joined a pack there is still showing on the roster.
The Scout who moved keeps showing back up in Scoutbook. I have ended her membership, and when she shows back up I can see her new unit.
Her membership is currently ended in Scoutbook and she is not showing there or on the Scoutbook Plus roster. However, in our roster at my.scouting.org, she is still listed with renewal status of “opted out.”
This Scout was added to all of our youth activities on the calendar (though we did not add her to them). Her dad emailed me to ask me to stop the emails. When I open a meeting on the calendar, it shows 38 youth on the guest list, including this Scout. When I click edit, it shows 37 youth available for the meeting. Since she doesn’t appear on the list in edit mode, I can’t remove her from the meeting.
One more comment… newly registered Scouts are being added to every event on the pack’s calendar. This includes committee meetings that they should not be on. I had to go through and edit every committee meeting to remove the extra people and had a big explanation to give to all the people who showed up to a meeting they didn’t need to attend tonight. I am going to have to do this every time a new Scout registers. I’d love it for new Scouts to automatically be added to Scout activities or to at least have a batch edit, where I choose a list of people and a list of activities to add them to (like the old Scoutbook Assistant had).
Sorry, the parents were added to committee meetings, which are calendar meetings only for registered leaders (we are testing out a new system that we will roll out widely to the pack if it works well). We had parents who were unhappy because they blocked out time for a meeting they did not need to attend.
What about the Scout who is no longer in my unit but can’t be removed from pack meetings/activities? Is that something that is already on the bug list? I’d really like to get her out of the meetings, because her parents aren’t thrilled with the extra emails! Thanks!
Yes, their membership in the pack was ended. I got an email from them asking if I could stop the Scoutbook emails, so I went to see what was going on. I saw that she is still not listed in our Scoutbook roster. When I went to the calendar, I see that she was added to all of our pack activities. Looking at the next pack meeting, it shows 38 Scouts on the invitee list, including this girl. I click on “Edit” and the option for adding all youth says there are 37 Scouts available. When I look at the list of Scouts who are invited, her name is not there, so I can’t delete her. When I go back to look at the pack meeting not in edit mode, her name is still present.
@ErinBrown I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)