I am able to RSVP myself for an event but can’t RSVP my son.
@ZacharyDeets do you see Scout listed?
Yes he and I are both listed. When I RSVP confirmed it only confirms me and there is no other option for him.
@ZacharyDeets I can setup a quick screenshare to see if I see something if you want
In the Top Drop down list - are you listed as parent under his name? and not one of your other scouts?
I think a feature was lost in an update - trying to check now
@ZacharyDeets try clicking the Mini Calendar -
I think I figured it out. Thanks for your help
@ZacharyDeets on the mini or on the Main Calendar?
On the mini calendar.
Are we looking to get the Youth Connection function back? Clicking on this mini-calendar is very clunky and not user-friendly.
We put a request in to the developers for the mini-calendar to function the same way as the full size calendar when selecting an event.
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