Can't See Venture Crew Advancements & Awards

My son in primary to Boy Scouts and secondary to Sea Scouts and Venture Crew. Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts is through Heart of America Council and Venture Crew is through Jayhawk Council. I have full access to Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts in, but can only see the Venture Crew roster and quick entry. I have been granted full access to all 3 by the troop, ship, and crew and have accepted it. I want to be able to see everything and add/track information as needed in Venture Crew as well. Has anyone had a similar issue and what did you do to rectify the situation?

It is 2 BSA #'s for your Scout so they have 2 different SB accounts - not one. You need to make sure you are parent of both.

I understand that his is 3 different units. However, I am able to see 2 of them that are in the same council on a single page and toggle back and forth with tabs at the top of the page. How do I get all three on the same page?

You are only parent to 1 of your Scouts Accounts - the one in the OTHER council needs to make you a parent

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