Can't take attendance in IA

Up until yesterday, I had been able to take attendance in Internet Advancement. When I went to “Quick Entry RSVP/Attendance” yesterday to take attendance from a meeting that already happened, there was no option for attendance, just the RSVP options. Of course, my ability to take attendance in Scoutbook is gone so that is out of the question.

When I click on “Mark As”, the pull down options are: RSVP Yes, RSVP No, RSVP Maybe, Remove from Event.

** I am a den leader that still is able to edit/create new events.

*1) Hardware: Desktop
*2) Operating system: MacOS Sanoma
*3) Browser: Safari

@AngelaMcCormick I think you are part of a bug that is being researched where Sub-unit admin positions are falling off