I’m also having this same error when I tried to update my Scout’s picture. Does anyone know what the resolution is or if it’s something that needs to be fixed on the Scout server itself?
@HollisRutledge It is a bug that needs to be fixed.
I’ve recently been able to update my sons’ profile pictures in Internet Advancement. However, the profile picture does not appear to sync w/ Scoutbook.
Hi this still doesnt seem to work…
When a bug is fix, it will be reported in the change log. Some take a long time to fix. It seems they prioritize very impactful bugs or easy to fix ones. Since this is a “nice to have”, it may take longer.
In all honesty, if the bio and photo options were removed i would not be adversely effected
It is handy for those of us who are not good with names.
@Matt.Johnson - you do have a point there Phil
It also makes it a lot easier to take attendance in ScoutBook if the photo is correct, since the photo is much larger than the name.
UPDATE: It appears that photos can now be changed in Internet Advancement (but there is no sync to Scoutbook yet). However, when I change my photo and attempt to save it, I get his error message: Posting a picture is not allowed, there is a picture already. Use PUT method instead." Then the photo that I attempted goes away. I have closed the browser and tried but each time I get this error message even though there is no picture in the spot. Does anyone else get this error?
Thank you. I have passed this on to the developers.
Also able to update photo in IA and not have it carry over to Scoutbook, however, in addition, when the image is added in IA, it’s not loading with the proper sizing. It is reducing the vertical scale disproportionally to the horizontal measure, effectively “squishing” the image. Imagine horizontal scale is 100%, vertical scale is 70-80%.
Is there an update as to when this is going to be resolved? This issue has been going on for a better part of a full year and it adversely impacts the user experience. Scout book is intended to a communication experience tool between Units, Scouts and their Parents. A Scout is Courteous. BSA’s lack of follow through and commitment to resolve this issue does not pair well with the “Courteous” requirement under the Scout law.
Checking in for a status update on this issue. With our unit recharter, I have just become a Den leader within a large pack. I need to update the profile pictures in order to properly manage identification of scouts at meetings & events while I am still learning names, etc. The adults have full names showing, but the youth only have a first name and a last initial, and that makes it difficult to identify who is who without having a profile picture. This is a resource that we were accustomed to having in TroopTrack, please make this functional again (and quickly) in Scoutbook. God bless and thanks for your help and support as we are teaching the superheros and mentoring the future leaders of the free world.
The first name/last initial issue should be resolved once you’re connected to the den in Scoutbook as the Den Admin (in addition to Den Leader), and the scouts are all added to the den. That’s separate from the profile picture issue, obviously.
Cannot believe this issues has been known and unfixed for 6 months. THis is maddening. My pack/troop uses scoutbook for everything! And this isn’t being prioritized? Incredulous.
I don’t have to be an apologist, but I will say that what seems to be a very small team is having to make sure the lights are kept on. We just finished one of the most challenging IT periods of the year for the BSA: recharter. Recharter is totally custom software that nearly every unit touched. Last year was 100% new and this year still saw bugs. This was the priority, obviously over nice to haves like pictures. I do love the mini pictures for scouts and adults so I can put a name with a face. They do not, though, keep the lights on.
2 issues:
- IA Profile Pic not shown in Scoutbook after updating my son’s profile pic in IA
- Unable to update IA Profile Pic for cub scouts in my den.
Is there a keyword I should look for in the release notes when this will be fixed? I had thought I saw something about profile pics back in the Fall.
Matt: for the astronomical cost each scout pays towards their dues each year… and each adult leader pays to volunteer… its not much to ask. 6 months ago was not re-charter time. Our units use scoutbook for everything now and it is not the most user-friendly interface. Trying hard to get everyone to use it is tiresome. Little things can help.
The developers are working on it. BSA IT does not have an unlimited budget for IT and they have to support more than just Scoutbook.
As Matt said, there are higher priorities for BSA IT than making profile pictures work properly but it is getting attention.