I changed my email address in ScoutBook. It is showing correctly in My.Scouting also. I am still getting Scout Forum emails at the old email address. What step am I missing? Thank you. Mona
Check here under preferences
You also want to make sure your new email address is listed as the “primary.” It should have a green check mark next to it if you have done that.
I am having the same problem. I see my new email address in preferences for both home and business communication types. The IsPrimary boxed is disabled, but I think it is checked. I get most emails through my new email address, but I still get emails from my local council on the old email address - does that mean it that my council needs to be updated? If so, how do I update the council?
@PaulJurgens all emails match when I look - could be council is using an outside list? @GaryFeutz you know what 3 Fires does?
Depends on the communication I think. For flyer messages (upcoming events, etc) they probably use constantcontact or something similar. I believe that gets updated every so often. I can make some inquiries.
Our council uses constant contact and includes the disclaimer that they ask for email updates. I am not certain that they employ the api to grab email updates